Hummingbird - with his bright iridescent colors and mesmerizing ability to float in the air - is one of the most fascinating and enchanting birds in existence. He gets his name from the humming noise his wings create as they flap up to 200 times per second during a dive or a dance to attract a mate. There are over 325 hummingbird species on the planet.  The average hummingbird tips the scales at 4 grams, less than a sheet of paper.

Confident * Aggressive * Present * Resilient 

Approximately a quarter of Hummingbird’s body weight is in his pectoral muscles. His broad strong chest is responsible for his astounding wing speed and agility.  He darts and dives with speeds of 35 mph and his ability to switch directions mid-flight surpasses all other birds.  He hovers, moves side to side, backwards, or even upside-down. Hummingbird is sure to lift the spirits of all he encounters as many are awed by his grace in the sky.  Although he moves with incredible speed, he is thought to be timeless - serving as a reminder that there is nowhere more important than the present.  Each moment can be a chance for connection, peace, and thankfulness.  He symbolizes hope and celebration.  

Hummingbird - with his bright iridescent colors and mesmerizing ability to float in the air - is one of the most fascinating and enchanting birds in existence. He gets his name from the humming noise his wings create as they flap up to 200 times per second during a dive or a dance to attract a mate. There are over 325 hummingbird species on the planet.  The average hummingbird tips the scales at 4 grams, less than a sheet of paper.

While a human’s heart beats 60-90 times per minute, Hummingbird’s heart beats an average of 1,200 times per minute. With such extremes, it may come as a surprise to learn that hummingbirds are experts in the practice of relaxation and meditation.  The first step in achievement starts with finding a haven.  Hummingbird either makes a nest or finds a comfortable branch to perch on where he can feel completely safe.  Here, he can achieve a very deep sleep called a torpor, where metabolism slows, and his body temperature drops significantly.  His once racing heart will drop to a mere 5% of his average, allowing him to conserve energy, refresh, and rejuvenate where he will resemble a tiny puff of cotton with retraction of his neck and fluffing of his tiny feathers. 

Hummingbird will visit over 1,000 flowers per day for nectar and can eat half of his body weight in the sugary substance.  His hard work serves as a reminder to persist and find the good in everything.  His memory never fails him as he makes note of each blossom.  With his large brain, he remembers migratory patterns as well as blooms and nectar sources from the previous year.  He will also eat ants, mosquitos, and other bugs to fuel his fast metabolism.  

What he lacks in size, Hummingbird makes up for with a big personality. He is considered one of the most aggressive and territorial birds, attacking crows, jays, hawks, and other hummingbirds that invade his space.  A hummingbird’s energy never fails, as you have likely witnessed him chasing a rival.  When a male is ready to settle down, he will fight other males, using his sharp beak as a deadly weapon.  Aside from mating season, he prefers a life of seclusion.  

Sweet * Joyful * Agile * Vital * Light

Hummingbird can flash his bright colors or hide them when times require him to camouflage to his surroundings.  Look to the hummingbird when times require you to adapt quickly.  His resilient nature can help you change to fit into your present situation.  If Hummingbird makes an appearance, he may be telling you to lighten your load, conserve your energy, and prepare for a voyage or a transition.  With Hummingbird, even the impossible can be done with a grateful heart.

Persevering * Bold * Energetic * Independent

In mythology, Hummingbird appeared as a healer or spirit for those in need.  He symbolizes courage and endurance, as he holds the record for the smallest migratory bird. While not all hummingbird species migrate, those native to North America must journey thousands of miles per year.  Hummingbird can travel 500 miles at a time, always unaccompanied, with a tireless and positive outlook.  Not even rain can stop him from moving forward.  With the shake of his head - or as many as 130 per second - drops of water fall away and he can continue his flight untroubled.  Hummingbird’s lightness is a symbol to let go of heavy burdens.  There is no room for negative thoughts or emotional pain if one plans to succeed in the long journey that lies ahead.  Make time to heal the heart.

Wear Hummingbird Totem

  • Wear Hummingbird as a reminder to stay light and find the good in everything we encounter. 

  • Hummingbird can teach us that there is often more than meets the eye.  His big personality proves that size isn't everything.  He is fierce and courageous, trusting his intuition and valuing his independent spirit.  

  • Hummingbirds bring light and beauty to the world, and inspire awe and admiration in all who encounter him.