The wolf represents freedom and the wilderness.  While his canine cousins became man’s companion, Wolf’s love of adventure and zest for life in the outdoors sets him apart.  His wild and instinctive spirit is free when he has no limitations; he resists those who wish to tame or cage him. 

Wild * Enduring * Curious * Protective * Expressive

The idea of the lone wolf is a myth, or a short-lived tale as Wolf will not survive without his tribe. Cooperation and teamwork are necessary for hunting.  Wolves have adapted to thrive in many environments: from thick forests to harsh snowy conditions.  Wolf’s howl can be heard from over 6 miles and through a howl, he can communicate his location, give a warning, or alert his pack to a food source.  Like a human fingerprint, each wolf has a unique howl that can distinguish him from his tribe.

Often, our preconceived notions about Wolf are incorrect.  As a result, Wolf’s population has dwindled, and his species has suffered.  Wolf was once thought of as nothing but a killer, but when he faced near extinction, we realized that he gives life to so much. 

In Yellowstone National Park Wolf had vanished for 70 years.  In his absence, deer and elk had few predators which took away their fear of open spaces.  Despite man’s efforts to curb their numbers, the rampant population left no vegetation near water sources.  With no vegetation and trees, nesting birds, beavers, and bees sought homes elsewhere.  Without beavers, reptiles, amphibians, and otters lost their habitat. Coyotes moved up the food chain and the numbers of rabbits and mice fell dramatically.  Grizzly Bear’s search for berries forced him to move as well and the now muddied waters became a harsh environment for salmon and other fish.  In 1995, a small population of wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone, making an enormous impact through a cascade of ecological shifts.  Wolf’s presence shifted the deer and elk behavior.  No longer safe to lounge in the open, they took refuge elsewhere, leaving the valleys and the gorges to regenerate.  Forests reemerged with a diverse foliage which stabilized the banks of the rivers, narrowed channels and halted erosion.  A multitude of creatures began finding their way back to their natural habitat including bear, fox, and beaver.  Elk and deer became healthier as species.  Order had been restored, surpassing ecologists’ greatest expectations. Today, over 100 wolves reside in the park and Wolf is a reminder of the delicate balance of Earth’s creatures.  The move to protect and recover Wolf as a species is far from over. 24 species of wolves are extinct, leaving only grey and red wolves. 

Cooperative * Loyal * Instinctive * Free * Connected

As wolves are found around the globe, they have played a historical role in tradition and folktales across many cultures where Wolf is often depicted as a manipulator in disguise.  While some may find this a poor fit for Wolf, it does point to some truths: wolves are intelligent beings, thinking fast and creating effective strategies for achievement.  The Japanese word for wolf, Ookami, translates “Great God” where grain farmers once worshiped him. In Mongolia, Wolf is a symbol of good luck.  In Siberia, Wolf is revered for his fearlessness and courage.  

Playful * Familial * Sharp 

Wolves are pack animals, forming deep connections and trust within their tribe.  While there is some hierarchy within the pack, the preconceived notion that they fight for a position as the alpha wolf is incorrect.  Although wolves will exert dominance in social situations, they honor one another and value the pack’s well-being.  Scientists now conclude that a wolf’s place is not rigid but fluid, shifting over time or even during seasons.  Whatever his role, Wolf is a playful, social, and emotional creature who values family.  He often chooses a partner to bond with for life.  Wolves can teach you to take a closer look at your tribe.  Are you surrounding yourself with a pack that values your contribution?  What will you sacrifice for your family? 

Wear Wolf Totem 

  • Wear Wolf totem when you need guidance about your tribe.  Are you surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals who would make sacrifices for you?  Do you bring value to others in a meaningful way?

  • Wolf can bring out our empathy and team building traits. All positions in a pack deserve honor. A playful nature and loving pup sitter can be just as important as the stellar hunting leader.

  • Wolf is a reminder of the sensitive balance of Earth's creatures.  Wear him to remain conscious of balance and respect for all kinds.